Saturday, May 15, 2010

A week in review: (trying to blog with snorville at me feet, no we do not have a new bulldog, just my husband. He woke up from a nap with Ruby, walked out to the living room to get something from his backpack and fell asleep. His body is half on the carpet and half on the tile).

Ruby is in ice skating on Thursdays. It is classic to see her out there on the ice, bike helmet and flappy gloves. She is very nervous to fall. This week she decided to go in knee pads. I was wondering why she was going even slower than ever. One mom said that the knee pads may be too tight. Sure enough, she could not bend her legs in them.

Last Thursday Phill called to say he was being taking to the doctor by his captain, they were 90% sure he had the MRSA virus. Oh what a horrible week that unfolded for my husband. They put him on an anti-biotic that not only turned his pee orange, it pretty much laid him out flat for a week. Which pretty much resulted in Ruby and I stepping over his snoring body (if wondering about his snoring see one of my first posts), in the living room. The sore was on his neck, and was also super painful. On Monday the results were negative for MRSA, but the concluded it was probably a spider bite. Heck of a spider bite.

Last Friday night Ruby and I took Jeena to a dance at her school. I love special needs dances, they really are the greatest. We try to make it to a few a year. My signature line when dancing with a group of downs syndrome boys is, "Don't tell my husband." Never fails to be a crown pleaser. At the dance Ruby won a cake at the cake walk. It was one of her proudest moments. She also won 2 tickets to Sea World. Thus the pride she felt when her Sea World saved the whale.

On the same day as the whale watching day, my girls and I made a QUICK turnaround and headed to The Tea House on Los Rios. A former place of employment for both of us Mandys. Oh, the scones. Happy Birthday Hana!

Yesterday was a whirl wind of a day. I met my dear friend Melissa for a paddle. She took the SUP and I was in the kayak. Paddle boards are so much more fun than kayaks. But we chatted around the island, Melissa is a natural paddler-she was an outrigger. Yes Courtney, the crew we have always dreamed of being on in SD. Anywho, that meant I had to paddle like crazy to keep up with her. I did manage to fall out of my kayak upon dismount. We ate at Tutor and Spunky's and shared sandwiches (later that day she called to say she had the stomach flu...I am waiting for mine to kick in.) As soon as we got home, I decided we would carpool buddy with Phill up to a drs. appt. in LA. El Segundo, to be exact. A place I had heard in the news but meant nothing to me as far as local. I fell in love with it. The streets are a cross between Corona del Mar and middle America. So cute. And only a few blocks from the ocean, Manhatten beach. The only sad part is that the city is surrounded by HUGE water, oil and sewage plants.
I love having a little pal as my kid. She wanted nothing more than to so walk around a plant nursery we had driven by. Which is a dream day for me. We spent over 2 hours walking the rows of the most amazing nursery ever, International Garden Center. Trying to link this I just found out it is a Master Garden Nursery, which makes sense. They had more varieties of flowers than I thought possible. I can't think of a better partner, she skipped around and smelled the flowers while I read her their names in latin and showed her the interesting parts of each plant. After a while she was saying things like, "this is so interesting, don't you think mom?", "isn't this fabulous", "look at the leaves, so special." After that we ran around on the beach and then drove the streets looking at houses we loved. Can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon. Yep, that was one long drs appt. We ate dinner at The Habit (like the one in Ventura). I found a worm in my salad, I tried to plow through it--being a gardener and all, but I couldn't. Stopped by the liquor store to say hi to Harmie and Habby then home. Yep, that was one long day! Today we have not left the house.


  1. Sounds like such fun!! So glad Phill doesn't have MRSA. And Ruby just sounds like the greatest partner to live life with!! Keep the stories coming! Hugs :)

  2. oh man, I loved this post! Ruby and Cana would be fast friends, I can just tell! Can we please garden together, talk about plants and flowes and then do a workout together?? love you.
